Christians In Crisis appreciates our intercessors!  Intercession is the focus of this ministry!  We are here to serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His children. 

However, it does take funding to keep things running ...

we desire to bring awareness of the persecution in the world and our website helps us do that, but funds are needed to keep it going ...

we desire to bless the persecuted and the poor through special projects and mission trips, but funds are needed to do that too ... 

and, as with any ministry, there are always other needs, such as travel expenses, funds needed for shipping, website expenses, and other miscellaneous expenses …

our only income is through donations (love offerings).

Pastor Wally does not take a salary from Christians In Crisis, and all of our 'staff' are volunteers.  Could you help keep Christians In Crisis running?  Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us? 

For a Partnership gift of $25.00 or more, we will give you a year's access to the 'Partners Area' of our website.  There you will find Pastor Wally's Personal Messages, Frontline Reports (from contacts on the field), and more  ... plus, we plan to add more to this as time goes on ... hopefully some of Pastor Wally's messages.   

Could you help 'keep us alive' by contributing once a month?  If 100 people would give even $10 a month, the impact would be great!  If you could even give more monthly, that would be wonderful!

Please send a check to Christians In Crisis (CIC), PO Box 293627, Sacramento, CA   95829 … along with a note indicating you would like to Partner with CIC.  

Please be assured that anything our Lord leads you to do to help Christians In Crisis would be a blessing.

We promise not to sell or give away any of your information. 

We appreciate your consideration. 


 "And if one member suffers, all the members suffer ... "  1 Corinthians 12:26