
Date:  May 30, 2021

India (International Christian Concern) – A Christian doctor in India has been suspended from working with COVID-19 patients due to allegations of attempted forced conversion. Dr. Sandhya Tiwari who was hired as part of the Madhya Pradesh State’s “Kill Corona” Program is facing criminal charges after offering prayers of healing to her patients affected by the virus.

After a local man took offense to Dr. Tiwari’s actions, a criminal case was filed, and police officials confiscated her mobile phone and Christian pamphlets. In a short video, currently making rounds on social media, Dr. Tiwari defended her actions, saying, “What is wrong in telling them that God heals? I did not tell anybody to convert or forced anybody to pray to Jesus, I am being a Christian, I told them that Jesus heals.”

A local Christian source spoke with International Christian Concern (ICC) anonymously, stating, “This is the state of religious freedom in our state, we can be booked for a conversion that we might have with people of other faith, in most cases the facts are twisted to suit to an agenda and sadly the state machinery are handy to victimize the minorities.”

“If the situation is such for a medical professional, the condition for the common Christian could be much worse.”

Anti-conversion laws are widely abused in India by radical Hindu nationalists looking to harass religious minorities. Christians are often falsely accused of forceful conversions to justify assault and intimidate believers.

Since the enactment of Madhya Pradesh’s anti-conversion law, now known as the Madhya Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act, 2021, incidents of religious attacks have surged in the state and police have done little to protect minorities.

HOW TO PRAY: Pray for justice for Dr. Tiwari following her suspension. Pray for patients throughout India to come to know Christ. Pray for an end to the pandemic in India.