
Date:                      December 7, 2021


Afghanistan (MNN) — In Afghanistan, activists live in constant danger, especially women. Some have been killed after being lured by messages on social media promising to help them escape the country.

Tragedy and repentance

Greg Kelley with World Mission has spoken to local Christians in Afghanistan. He says one Christian activist was captured and executed by the Taliban themselves.

But then something remarkable happened. “This Taliban leader, who was overseeing this tragedy, had a dream. He was utterly convicted about what had happened. Because at the end of the day, even the Taliban understand these people are really innocent. And he knew he had just viciously killed an innocent woman. He was told in a dream to go to the victim’s family, who would help him receive peace.”

He met the woman’s husband, who was a pastor. Amazingly, the husband forgave him for what he had done. Kelley says, “But he said, ‘More importantly than my forgiveness, you can receive peace in your heart, that will come through forgiveness in Jesus Christ.’ He prayed with this man and led him to Christ. Now this man is being discipled in the truth and knowledge of Jesus.”

Guns silenced

Kelley tells another story he heard from inside the country about a Christian woman and her daughter. They wanted to flee the country, but the Taliban found them. “They told her to get down on her knees. They were going to execute her. The Taliban leader grabbed a gun, put it to her head, and he pulled the trigger. Nothing happened.”

In fact, Kelley says none of the firearms in the room would work. The Taliban became terrified and fled.

Pray God would change hearts among the Taliban and other extremists in Afghanistan. And ask Him to comfort Christians who have lost loved ones to violent extremism.

The header photo shows Afghan refugees who made it to India. (Photo courtesy of World Mission on Facebook)