
Date:  August 7, 2023

Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – In remote villages in India, access to transportation and biblical resources can be challenging. ICC embarked on a mission to empower local pastors and their congregations by distributing 20 bicycles and 2,000 Bibles to 20 pastors in rural India.

Upon their return, the pastors will distribute the Bibles to members of their congregation, kindling a flame of faith and unity within each household.

ICC started the Bikes and Bibles program to empower local Christian leaders to provide biblical resources to their congregations in rural areas.

Since Prime Minister Narendra Modi took power in 2014, persecution incidents among Christians have greatly increased.

In 2014, there were 144 recorded incidents of religious violence according to civil society leaders in India. In 2022, there were over 600 incidents, and 2023 is trending similarly.

Many states have also enacted anti-conversion laws since 2014, statutes that criminalize most minority religious activity and embolden mobs to attack peaceful Christian and Muslim gatherings.

HOW TO PRAY: Pray for hearts across India to be opened to the gospel. Pray for these Bibles to reveal the truth to countless non-believers. Pray for protection for these evangelists.