
Date:  July 27, 2024

Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. (Psalm 95:6-7)

Earlier this week it was confirmed: Reverend Dr Hkalam Samson has been released by law enforcement authorities in Myanmar/Burma.

Praise God for this wonderful answer to prayer!

As many of you will know, Rev Samson is a Christian pastor and an internationally respected human rights advocate. Here is a short timeline of his case:

5 December 2022: Rev Samson is arrested at Mandalay International Airport attempting to travel to Bangkok.

7 April 2023: The pastor is sentenced to six years in prison on charges of unlawful association, state defamation and terrorism – unfounded charges clearly designed to silence this vocal human rights defender.

17 April 2024: Rev Samson is released as part of a national amnesty. Later that same day, for unknown reasons, he is escorted back to the prison grounds. He is held as a ‘guest’ in a property within the prison grounds for over three months.

23 July 2024: CSW sources confirm that Rev Samson has been released once again.

Thank you to all who have prayed or campaigned for his freedom!

Given that the pastor has previously been released and re-detained, we are cautiously celebrating while continuing to pray for his lasting freedom.

Please pray:

  • Giving thanks for Rev Samson’s release.
  • That Rev Samson and his family are permitted to enjoy his freedom in peace and without fear of further legal prosecution.
  • That the pastor and his wife would know the care of the Lord as they recover from this ordeal. Rev Samson appears to have lost a great deal of weight during his time in prison, and is in need of a full health and dental check.
  • For urgent breakthrough in Myanmar; an end to the targeting of civilians and freedom for all those held unjustly by the military junta.