Psalm 86:15
“But You, O LORD, are a merciful and loving GOD, always patient, always kind and faithful.”

FATHER, thank You that You are a merciful, and loving GOD to me. You are compassionate and gracious when You made known Your love to me through JESUS who redeemed me from my past sinful ways. You didn't create me to hide my sins and weaknesses or to hide from You. Thank You that I can come to You and unload all the condemnation and fear and feelings of unworthiness. I believe that You have washed away my sins and are pouring out Your goodness upon me.

I entrust my family and myself to Your loving care, fully believing that You always watch over us and never sleep or slumber. Thank You for Your faithfulness, LORD. I rejoice in the assurance that You will fill my home and my family with Your peace and protect us from all harm, loss, and danger.

May our lives be a sacrifice that honors You, pleases You, and serves You, for Your glory now and forevermore! In the holy Name of JESUS. Amen.

Praying For You,
Pastor Wally & Sister Mattie 🙏🏻