Romans 12:10
“Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another.”

To honor and affectionately love someone is to place them in a high place, to see them as important. In short, to honor and love someone is to place more significance on them than on ourselves. -What if we all lived lives dedicated to honoring and loving one another? -The battles over minor differences would disappear as we seek out the best interest of the other person. The fight to be noticed or to gain power would be erased from even those in the church as we rejoice with those around us rather than see them as our enemies or our competition. This is exactly what JESUS did. In Philippians chapter 2 we see an image of JESUS stepping out of heaven for us. While we are not worthy of anything, He left His throne so that we could be forgiven.
If we live as our Savior JESUS did, a servant to others, we will honor and love each other and the world will never be the same. “To honor someone is to place a value upon them that supercedes the focus on ‘self’.”

That my friend, is how we should express a kindly affectionate brotherly love.

Heavenly FATHER, Today I thank You for the love and grace that You have shown me. Help me to show the same love and grace towards those around me. Fill me with Your SPIRIT so that I can honor them. Whether it’s through kind words, generous gifts or diligent work; give me the strength to live like CHRIST. In JESUS’ Holy Name, Amen.

Because of His Love,
Pastor Wally & Sister Mattie