Lots of great things happened this past weekend during the 18th Annual International Day of Prayer for the Arab World. Several organizations and churches were in attendance. Brethren from different ethnic groups-Arabs, Africans, Jews, Asians, Americans and Hispanics, showcased a small glimpse of a united Body of Believers in Christ.
The prayer conference was held the entire day of Saturday, May 19, at Biola University. This annual event is sponsored by several organizations: Lebanon Prayer Group, Voice of Preaching the Gospel, Arabic Bible Outreach, The Seed of Abraham, and Arabic Christian Perspective. CIC will be among the sponsors starting next year, Lord be willing.
Sunday morning was a Holy Spirit inspired church service at Calvary Chapel Golden Valley at Canyon Country, Southern California. I struggled a little bit while preaching due to my sore throat but things started to get better midway my preaching...the people were overwhelmed and blessed and the Holy Spirit ministered, touched and challenged the church to reach out in love to the Muslim people.
Jeff And I drove to Long Beach right after the morning service to be at the joint afternoon gathering of two churches: Gereja Isa Almasih "El Shaddai" (Indonesian Congregation) and An Arab Christian Church pastored by a Lebanese, Dr. Ray Sleiman. It was another glorious time with the Lord. The joint worship and fellowship that we had with fellow Christians from Indonesia and the Arab world was a foretaste of what awaits the church in eternity. Ali El Sharif from the Sudan and Dr. John Constantine from Lebanon also shared after I gave my testimony and the challenge to reach Muslims with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Another group that gathered for an evening time of prayer in Anaheim, CA, waited expectantly to hear from me...Jeff and I arrived at 7:30 PM while they were still in prayer. I gave a report about my recent trip to Indonesia and the Philippines and everyone were edified with what the Spirit of the Lord had done throughout our mission trip. The meeting wrapped up with every one praying for one another's healing. It was another glorious experience in the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord! 
There's so much going on within the Body of Christ and much work is needed for the church to showcase the power and love of God. Much prayer is needed for the Body to unite. This is one issue that's top in my sermon challenges everywhere I speak these days. Pray that the church will awaken to this challenge to be one, as the FATHER and our Lord JESUS CHRIST are one. This is the desire and plan of God. This was the prayer of Christ as we find it in John 17. If and when the church becomes one, then and only then can we truly become more effective and expect to be light to those in darkness.
I am encouraged to see more and more in the Body of Christ uniting for the cause of Christ Jesus.
I urge everyone to remain steadfast in the faith and to contend as one man for the faith. Pray that we will see this take place every where and wherever the Gospel has been and is being preached.
Thank you for all your prayers. Let us press on and not give up in praying for the unity of the Body remembering always those that have paid and are paying the price for the testimony of JESUS CHRIST.
Count your blessings daily in Christ Jesus!