Matilda and I arrived back home late Sunday night from St. Louis, MO. Preshus came to meet us at the Sacramento Airport. Once again, it was good to be home after days of travel and ministry.


My four speaking sessions from Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning greatly impacted, challenged and inspired many that came to hear me speak. Glory to God!

The Lord also used the testimonies of three former Muslims to inspire the church. Sister Amani from Egypt, Sister Amal from Tunisia and Brother Zacharia from Lebanon, moved everyone to tears as they spoke on how they came to know CHRIST JESUS.

The WORD of God and the Holy Spirit continues to advance God's Kingdom throughout the Muslim world. The prayers of many saints have also resulted to more and more Muslims coming to faith in the
Lord JESUS through dreams and visions. Reports say that more Muslims have been won to faith in Christ in today’s world than at any time in the history of Islam. God’s Kingdom is winning the war for souls!

The sessions and the seminars were well attended as instructions and teachings were also
conducted to educate on the basics of Islam and provide training on how to win Muslims to Christ.

On Friday, we organized ourselves into teams that visited several mosques and Islamic centers in the St. Louis area. We all timed our arrival at those mosques right after the Friday noontime prayers of the Muslims. And as they began to disperse towards their cars, they were met with smiles from our teams that saturated the surroundings of these mosques. And a good percentage of the Muslims were witnessed to as they accepted the DVD copies of the JESUS film.

The presence of St. Louis Police in their squad cars contributed to a peaceful outreach at every one
of the Islamic centers that we visited. Praise the Lord!

At the Festival grounds, our teams were posted at every entry point while some from amongst us covered the walkways and surrounding booths witnessing and giving away tens of thousands of DVD copies of the JESUS film in 16 different languages that most Muslims speak.

At one time I stood somewhere near the center of the festival grounds to try to absorb and observe everything that was going on around me. One can easily get caught up with all the activities and
with things that cannot promise something good that will last over and beyond the two days of festivities.

Young and old alike intermingled and tried to get the most out of the festival's food and the entertainment.
As I stood and watched, I felt nothing but compassion and saw people that will someday stand before a great God to give an account of their lives to Him. And I thought to myself, "What would JESUS do if HE was there?"


The Lord JESUS said in John 10:16: “I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and they shall be one flock and one shepherd.”


And in 2 Peter 3:9, “The LORD is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. HE is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”


You see, the issue was not about me, nor about anyone else in our team. It was not about making us nor our ministry’s name known. It was all about the two verses of scriptures that I quoted above.

I was also reminded of St. Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 11:28 - "Besides everything else, I face daily my concern for all the churches."


It was as clear as daylight that our team was far outnumbered by the thousands of lost sheep at the festival. That’s only one of the reasons why my heart breaks for the Church in America. Not many are interested to reach out to the Arab Muslims in this country. Not many are willing to go to the lost sheep that JESUS also died for…and so,”I face daily my concern for all the churches.”


When will the Church learn the lessons from 9-11? When will the Church wake up to the clear and present dangers to our Christian faith? When will the Church step out of their safety zones in order to bring the Gospel to a lost and dying world? The Church needs to wake up from her slumber and engage herself in her GROOM’s business!

Due to airsickness from our shaky flights, Matilda was not able to join us for Thursday's sessions. She also has had some pain since last week up till this past weekend. A Christian lady massage therapist gave both of us a good massage on Saturday evening at St. Louis, MO. We are both still trying to recover from exhaustion. But over all – our trip was nothing but good. GOD was served and souls were won!


Thanks for your partnership and your persistent prayers. Together, we’re….


Blessed to be a blessing,


Pastor Wally