Date: May 1, 2024
We've heard about an urgent prayer request for a jailed Christian sister who is in a scary medical situation right now.
Christian sister Fu Xuanjuan was sentenced in July 2021 to six years in jail for "illegal business" due to her work selling Bible players.
We've heard Sister Fu is suffering from multiple uterine fibroids and continues to throw up all the food and medication she takes.
Her husband Deng Tianyong, who was also jailed until his release in July 2023, asks fellow Christians to pray for his wife.
Sister Fu and her husband have been tireless in their efforts to spread the Gospel across China. They and two other employees worked for the Shenzhen Tree of Life Technology Development company that made small audio Bible players filled with sermons and hymns.
The players were a great joy for older Christians in particular who wanted a convenient way to learn about the Lord.
I know it's heartbreaking to read about the horrific persecution these believers have endured just for their intentions to share God's Love across China. But your partnership and heart to walk alongside the persecuted has also been a great encouragement.
Did you know that you helped hire brave Christian lawyers to defend this couple, and Deng was even led in worship by his attorney who came to visit when Deng was still in jail?
Please pray for Sister Fu's immediate healing while she remains jailed for her faith, and please also keep her persecutors in your prayers as well.
Serving the persecuted with you
Bob Fu, ChinaAid President
P.S: We've published a photo of the small Bible players sold by these believers on our website.